Let's get started with

RPM Onsite with Access!

Follow these steps to get set up:

  • Double-click the silver RPM icon on your desktop.
  • Log in as “AdminUser,” leaving the password blank.

  • Click the Tech Support option under the Help menu at the top right of RPM.
  • Click the Apply License button.
  • Enter your License Code, which you will have received in an email from [email protected].
  • Click Update.

  • Each user will need a username entered into RPM before they can set up their own password. See our Adding users page for details.
  • If you want to configure users’ security rights immediately, follow our Security rights for users instructions. This can be done at any time.

  • Once your username is set up, close RPM and reopen it to log in with your own user ID.
  • You will be prompted to set a password. This password can be reset later by anyone with rights to update user security.

Congratulations! You’re now ready dive into using RPM to serve your clients.

Here are some resources to guide you: