RPM Upgrade Changes – Vendor Payment Method

We are adding a default Payment Method to the Vendors screen! Changes to the any default options for a vendor only apply to scheduled or manual transactions that are entered AFTER the changes are made. We are adding a new prompt to allow you to open the Scheduled Payments Update screen and immediately update any […]

RPM Upgrade Changes – Quick Budget Balance

We are making it easier to get budget balances for clients! A Quick Budget Balance option will be added to the Schedule Pmts tab on the Clients screen. You will be able to click the Calculate button to quickly see the budget balance thru the specified date. The thru date will default to the end […]

RPM Upgrade Changes – Clients screen

We are making some changes to the Clients screen! 1 – Adding an option to display the client’s account balances at the top of the screen. You will be able to view the balance from any tab on the screen. Each user will be able to turn this option on or off.  2 – Changing […]