Renee Hynes

A search on the internet turned me to RPM software.  After researching many options, I decided on Representative Payee Manager because it is made specifically for representative payee services.  RPM has everything we are looking for and much more. Many parts can be customized to fit individual agency needs.  There are many reporting and setup options; and the authorized payment module has made our job so much more efficient, organized, and accurate.  RPM has made payee reporting to the Social Security Administration as simple as pointing, clicking, and typing in a date range.  Wow!  Did we save time!

RPM software is one of the most user-friendly software packages I have worked with. In fact, after reading the manual, which is easily understood, I taught myself to use it and trained staff.  I contacted technical support several times while learning and each time I received prompt, courteous, and respectful service.  Even today when I need to contact RPM support, which is not often, they reply in the same day.  The updates to RPM are improvements that continue to make the software more efficient and friendly to use.  We have been using RPM for almost 4 years now and continue to be very pleased with what it has to offer.

Mainstream Living, Inc.

RPM customer since 2002