Planned upgrade changes: Vendor details and tracking

When our clients ask if things are possible in RPM, our answer is usually, “Yes, and here’s how!” Sometimes, though, we hear a suggestion and are shocked we didn’t think of it sooner. This is one of those times!

In version 6.0.8, which is coming out in just a few short weeks, we’re making two changes to the way things work with vendors in RPM.

First, we’re adding a “Phone” column to vendor addresses to allow you to track separate phone numbers for each address. No more jumbled numbers in the “Notes” section!

Second, we’re adding more audit events that pertain to changes made to vendor information, which will allow you to easily see how and when vendor details were changed in the system. For example, if you find yourself wondering, Was this address updated after the vendor moved locations? you can easily search in the audit events for “Vendor Address Change” and find out!

Thanks for always letting us know when we’ve overlooked adding something useful in RPM. Keep those suggestions coming!

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