We’re excited to reveal this upgrade change, which will be available later this month in version 6.0.9: New functionality for transfers in RPM! In this version, you’ll be able to transfer funds to and from different categories and subcategories. This applies to transfers between different clients/accounts AND transfers within the same account for the […]
We realized the Transaction section of the Utilities menu was a little jumbled. The point of these utilities is to save you time, so it just doesn’t make sense for you to spend extra time trying to find the utility you’re looking for! That’s why in version 6.0.9, which is coming out in just a […]
Remember the poll about being able to schedule transactions for the first four weeks of any given month? (If you don’t, refresh yourself by checking out the results here: https://rpmccs.com/poll-results-1st-4-wks-pmt-freq) We’re bringing that possibility to life in version 6.0.9! When scheduling a payment, deposit, or transfer, you’ll be able to choose “Weekly Exclude 5th” […]
We heard your concerns about the changes we’re making to the Reconcile screen in version 6.0.9. (For a refresher, check out the initial post made about that here: rpmccs.com/planned-upgrade-changes-reconcile) After some rethinking and reworking, we’ve arrived at a final version that we think will satisfy everyone. Behold the second-time’s-the-charm Reconcile screen: As you can […]
After adding the Budget tab and budget-related reports in 6.0.8, we’ve gotten several suggestions on how to make them better. We hear you! In 6.0.9 next month, we’re making some improvements to client budgets. First and foremost, we’ve added several new fields to the Budget tab: Subcategory selection for both Income and Expense items. […]
We polled, you responded, and now we’re adding it to the system! In version 6.0.9 next month, we’re adding an optional “Account Name” field to the Check Layout screen, just like we asked you about in a poll this past October. Here’s a link to review the results of that poll, if you’re curious: […]
For those of you who use (or might soon use) the Export XEFT Transactions screen, I have exciting news about additions we’re making in version 6.0.9 next month! First, we’re adding a Report button to the top of the screen, which will display a report of the transactions that are currently selected to export. […]
We’re making it easier than ever to find the transactions you’re looking for in RPM! In version 6.0.9, which will be coming out in February, we’re adding a View Related button to the Transaction Detail screen. This button will be enabled if the transaction you’re viewing has closely related transactions in the system, such as […]
We know every moment of your time is precious. That’s why in version 6.0.9, we’ll be adding ZIP autofill functionality to RPM! For any of the address entry lines in the system, simply enter the ZIP code first and the system will autofill the correct city and state. See this in action below: If your […]