Poll results: Impairments tab

RPM has been around for decades, and during that time, inclusive language has expanded and evolved. One area that continues to change is the language we consider appropriate when talking about medical conditions and disabilities.   Based on your suggestions and on the recommendations of the National Center on Disability and Journalism, the National Education […]

Navigate through RPM like never before!

Anyone can learn to use RPM like an expert—whether you grew up online or can barely tell a browser from a breaker box. Just spend a few minutes glancing through the new “System navigation tips” section of our Knowledge Base!   There are some brand-new articles in this section, including these: Tabbing through fields Using […]

New poll: Adding to the impairments tab

It’s time for a new poll! For our first topic, I want to know what you think we should add to the Impairments tab for clients. Should we expand this into a general Medical tab? Weigh in by answering these quick questions: https://forms.office.com/r/wHwwViDcXm You can use your smartphone instead, if that’s easier! Just open up […]

Finding, filtering, and sorting? Yes you can!

Want to trick your coworkers into thinking you’re a computer whiz? I know an easy way—learn how to use the Find, Filter, and Sort tools in RPM! Check out this brand-new Knowledge Base article for instructions and examples: rpmccs.com/resources/filter-sort/ Tech-savvy or not, you can learn to use these simple tools to save you even more […]

Voiding checks in 6.0.9

We work hard to make sure RPM is as straightforward as possible. That’s why in version 6.0.9, we’ve removed a redundant bit of functionality to make the Utilities menu simpler.   Previously, there was a screen in the Transaction utilities called Void Checks. This was useful nearly a decade ago, when checks could only be […]

New antivirus software for RPM Cloud

The antivirus software on all our RPM Cloud servers will be upgrading from MalwareBytes to SentinelOne this month. SentinelOne performs better on Cloud servers, is more efficient, and provides a higher level of security than the previous antivirus software. For more details about why this switch is a good idea, check out this article by […]

Bug fix: 6.0.9 A

We squashed a quick bug in version 6.0.9 that was impacting reconciliation of deposit tickets.   If you’ve reconciled any deposit tickets since upgrading to 6.0.9 and noticed a balancing issue, follow these steps to correct it: Download and install the “6.0.9 A” patch at rpmccs.com/upgrade-update/. This can be done any time, even while other […]