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Viewing long text in small fields

Sometimes, the information in a field in RPM is too long to show on the screen. When that happens, there are a few easy ways to view and edit the information.

Arrow keys

The arrow keys on your keyboard can be used to navigate through text that is cut off in a field on the screen. To view the end of a cut-off record, use the right arrow key. The location of this key on a standard keyboard is pictured below.

Tip: You can also use the END key (above the arrow keys) to take your cursor directly to the end of the information in the field.

You may need to tap the arrow key multiple times to reach the end of the text. Once your cursor leaves that field, the text will return to its usual position.

This gif shows what it looks like to use the arrow key to see the end of a long “Check Memo” and the full “Date Entered” on the Transactions screen:


To view the entirety of the information in a field at the same time, you can open it in a Zoom pop-out window using “Shift+F2.”

To open the Zoom pop-out, click or tab into the field you want to see, then press the Shift key and the F2 key on your keyboard at the same time. The location of these keys on a standard keyboard is pictured below.

This gif shows what it looks like to use “Shift+F2” to zoom into a “Check Memo” field on the Transactions screen:

Notes button

Some “Notes” fields in RPM will have a Notes button on the right. Use this button to open a popout box where you can view, edit, use Spell Check, and save your changes to the notes.

The gif below demonstrates the Notes button on the Housing tab for a client.