Tabbing through fields
The Tab key can be used to move between fields in RPM without clicking with a mouse. It’s especially useful when you want to type information in several fields in order, such as when you’re entering a new client, new vendor, new transaction, or new scheduled transaction.
The location of the Tab key on a standard keyboard is pictured below.

The gif below demonstrates moving through the fields on the Basic tab of the Clients screen using the Tab key. If this were a blank record, using Tab would enable you to enter all the information shown without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Note: The fields on any screen in RPM can be tabbed through in a specific order called the “tab order.” We try to make the tab order as intuitive as possible for entering information in the appropriate sequence. If you think the tab order is incorrect on any screen, let us know.
Use your Spacebar to activate a button or to mark or unmark a checkbox when tabbing through fields.
For fields with dropdown lists, you can select your desired value by beginning to type the value in the field. You can also use “Alt+Down arrow” to open the full dropdown list, then use the up and down arrow keys to move through the items until you find the one you want.
Use “Shift+Tab” to move backwards through the tab order and return to the previous field.