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Using the Esc key

The Esc (Escape) key on your keyboard can be used in RPM to cancel out of a record before it is saved.

The location of this key on a standard keyboard is pictured below.

If you’ve begun entering or changing information in a field and realize you don’t actually want to save the change, clicking Esc is an easy way to revert the field back to its previous state.

The gif below shows what it looks like to use Esc to back out of a change being mistakenly made to a client’s address.

Tip: The Undo keyboard shortcut, “Ctrl+Z,” functions the same way as the Esc key to revert the last change you made in RPM.

You can also use the Esc key to cancel out when you’ve started entering required information but realize you don’t want to continue with entering a full record. Even if you’re receiving popup messages that prevent you from moving to a different field or closing the screen, clicking Esc can clear out your entry and allow you to close and move on.

Depending on the changes you’ve made, you may need to click Esc twice to fully wipe out the record before closing the screen.